Book cover of You Are an Ironman by Jacques Steinberg
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Steinberg is not focused on the pros who live off the prize money and sponsorships, but on a group of triathletes who find the event to be a hobby. Capturing beautifully the grueling training, the excitement of finishing the triathlon competition, and the stunning human endurance attributes, Steinberg is plumbing the physical and emotional burden as well as the mental payoff on the Ford Ironman Arizona 2009 competitors. You Are an Ironman is both a…
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Steinberg is not focused on the pros who live off the prize money and sponsorships, but on a group of triathletes who find the event to be a hobby. Capturing beautifully the grueling training, the excitement of finishing the triathlon competition, and the stunning human endurance attributes, Steinberg is plumbing the physical and emotional burden as well as the mental payoff on the Ford Ironman Arizona 2009 competitors. You Are an Ironman is both a tale about athletics and a compelling analysis behind the scenes about what keeps these champions on the move.

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Steinberg is not focused on the pros who live off the prize money and sponsorships, but on a group of triathletes who find the event to be a hobby. Capturing beautifully the grueling training, the excitement of finishing the triathlon competition, and the stunning human endurance attributes, Steinberg is plumbing the physical and emotional burden as well as the mental payoff on the Ford Ironman Arizona 2009 competitors. You Are an Ironman is both a tale about athletics and a compelling analysis behind the scenes about what keeps these champions on the move.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing