Book cover of Welcome to the Orthodox Church by Frederica Mathewes-Green
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This welcoming guide offers a detailed introduction to Orthodoxy, but with a twist: readers learn through a series of visits to a fictional church and get to know the religion as Christians have learned historically. Welcome to the Orthodox Church is an informative, easy-to-read, and humorously leavened guide to the ancient faith of the Christian East.
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This welcoming guide offers a detailed introduction to Orthodoxy, but with a twist: readers learn through a series of visits to a fictional church and get to know the religion as Christians have learned historically. Welcome to the Orthodox Church is an informative, easy-to-read, and humorously leavened guide to the ancient faith of the Christian East.

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This welcoming guide offers a detailed introduction to Orthodoxy, but with a twist: readers learn through a series of visits to a fictional church and get to know the religion as Christians have learned historically. Welcome to the Orthodox Church is an informative, easy-to-read, and humorously leavened guide to the ancient faith of the Christian East.

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  • Outstanding writing