Book cover of True Feelings by Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
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True Feelings - God's Gracious and Glorious Purpose for Our Emotions

by Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Mahaney Whitacre
  • Great overall
  • Decent writing
A mother-daughter group presents in this book women with a fresh outlook on their thoughts straight from Gods Word, helping them handle emotions in a manner that honors God and others. Pointing women to godly practices and unpacking the role of feelings in daily life, this book gives hope that the emotions God gave them will thrive.
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A mother-daughter group presents in this book women with a fresh outlook on their thoughts straight from Gods Word, helping them handle emotions in a manner that honors God and others. Pointing women to godly practices and unpacking the role of feelings in daily life, this book gives hope that the emotions God gave them will thrive.

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A mother-daughter group presents in this book women with a fresh outlook on their thoughts straight from Gods Word, helping them handle emotions in a manner that honors God and others. Pointing women to godly practices and unpacking the role of feelings in daily life, this book gives hope that the emotions God gave them will thrive.

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  • Great overall
  • Decent writing