Highly reviewed creative thinking books

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Book cover of Building Thinking Skills Level 3 Figural, Complete by Sandra Parks & Howard Black
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Building Thinking Skills Level 3 Figural, Complete

by Sandra Parks & Howard Black
  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
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Building Thinking Skills offers highly active verbal and nonverbal thinking to develop the language, listening, writing, arithmetic, science, and figural-spatial abilities of learners as well as their visual and auditory processing. Such mechanisms help students develop superior interaction and thought skills which contribute to deeper understanding of information in all subjects. The free instructional guide provides priorities and key problems which improve many skills.
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Building Thinking Skills offers highly active verbal and nonverbal thinking to develop the language, listening, writing, arithmetic, science, and figural-spatial abilities of learners as well as their visual and auditory processing. Such mechanisms help students develop superior interaction and thought skills which contribute to deeper understanding of information in all subjects. The free instructional guide provides priorities and key problems which improve many skills.

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Building Thinking Skills offers highly active verbal and nonverbal thinking to develop the language, listening, writing, arithmetic, science, and figural-spatial abilities of learners as well as their visual and auditory processing. Such mechanisms help students develop superior interaction and thought skills which contribute to deeper understanding of information in all subjects. The free instructional guide provides priorities and key problems which improve many skills.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing
Book cover of The Four Lenses of Innovation by Rowan Gibson
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Did you ever wonder where great ideas come from ? Innovation is not a mysterious practice that is forbidden to ordinary mortals, contrary to common opinion. The Four Lenses of Innovation completely debunks this omnipresent myth by presenting what we have long wished for: the reality that progress is systemic, it is methodical, and we can all do it. The Four Lenses of Innovation can show you how to reverse engineer creative ideas and make…
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Did you ever wonder where great ideas come from ? Innovation is not a mysterious practice that is forbidden to ordinary mortals, contrary to common opinion. The Four Lenses of Innovation completely debunks this omnipresent myth by presenting what we have long wished for: the reality that progress is systemic, it is methodical, and we can all do it. The Four Lenses of Innovation can show you how to reverse engineer creative ideas and make revolutionary business technology a everyday reality inside your company.

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Did you ever wonder where great ideas come from ? Innovation is not a mysterious practice that is forbidden to ordinary mortals, contrary to common opinion. The Four Lenses of Innovation completely debunks this omnipresent myth by presenting what we have long wished for: the reality that progress is systemic, it is methodical, and we can all do it. The Four Lenses of Innovation can show you how to reverse engineer creative ideas and make revolutionary business technology a everyday reality inside your company.

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  • Outstanding writing