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Book cover of The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics by Anonymous Conservative
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Can we define psychological traits related to Conservative or Liberal political beliefs? r/K theory explores the propensity for all societies to follow one of two psychologies as a way of adapting their actions to the actual availability of ressources The two approaches, called r and K, correspond well with each other's liberalism and conservatism psychologies. The r-strategy, imbues those conditioned to be averse to rivalry, encourages promiscuity, embraces single parenting, and promotes early initiation of…
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Can we define psychological traits related to Conservative or Liberal political beliefs? r/K theory explores the propensity for all societies to follow one of two psychologies as a way of adapting their actions to the actual availability of ressources The two approaches, called r and K, correspond well with each other’s liberalism and conservatism psychologies. The r-strategy, imbues those conditioned to be averse to rivalry, encourages promiscuity, embraces single parenting, and promotes early initiation of adolescent sexual behavior. It, of course, reflects the Liberal ideology of aversion to human Darwinian contests such as democracy and gun self-defense, as well as collective competitions such as fighting. Similarly, Liberalism is tolerant of promiscuity, supportive of single parents, and more likely to accept children’s early sex education. Designed to leverage an abundance of resources, one will also see this r-type tactic represented within prey animals, where predation has reduced the population, thereby raising the resources available to their individuals. The other strategy, called the K-strategy, imbues those who follow it with extreme competition, as well as abstinence tendencies until monogamy, parenting two parents, and delaying sexual activity until later in life. This, of course, represents Conservatisms’ tolerance of all kinds of capitalist political systems, from free-market economics to war, to people possessing and keeping private arms for self-defense. Conservatives often appear to support abstinence before monogamy, two parents and focus in social traditions, and kids are protected before later in life from all sexualized triggers. This technique is most often seen in animals that lack predation, and whose populations have expanded to the point that individuals have to compete with each other for the scarce natural resources they are running out of rapidly. Substantiated extensively with the current findings in fields ranging from neurobiology to human behavioral evolution, this study provides an insightful understanding into not just what drives our political fights, but also how such battles emerged in the first place inside our community.

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Can we define psychological traits related to Conservative or Liberal political beliefs? r/K theory explores the propensity for all societies to follow one of two psychologies as a way of adapting their actions to the actual availability of ressources The two approaches, called r and K, correspond well with each other’s liberalism and conservatism psychologies. The r-strategy, imbues those conditioned to be averse to rivalry, encourages promiscuity, embraces single parenting, and promotes early initiation of adolescent sexual behavior. It, of course, reflects the Liberal ideology of aversion to human Darwinian contests such as democracy and gun self-defense, as well as collective competitions such as fighting. Similarly, Liberalism is tolerant of promiscuity, supportive of single parents, and more likely to accept children’s early sex education. Designed to leverage an abundance of resources, one will also see this r-type tactic represented within prey animals, where predation has reduced the population, thereby raising the resources available to their individuals. The other strategy, called the K-strategy, imbues those who follow it with extreme competition, as well as abstinence tendencies until monogamy, parenting two parents, and delaying sexual activity until later in life. This, of course, represents Conservatisms’ tolerance of all kinds of capitalist political systems, from free-market economics to war, to people possessing and keeping private arms for self-defense. Conservatives often appear to support abstinence before monogamy, two parents and focus in social traditions, and kids are protected before later in life from all sexualized triggers. This technique is most often seen in animals that lack predation, and whose populations have expanded to the point that individuals have to compete with each other for the scarce natural resources they are running out of rapidly. Substantiated extensively with the current findings in fields ranging from neurobiology to human behavioral evolution, this study provides an insightful understanding into not just what drives our political fights, but also how such battles emerged in the first place inside our community.

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