Highly reviewed personal branding books

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Book cover of Spin Sucks by Gini Dietrich
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Spin Sucks will show you how to connect with your clients, partners, investors, and cultures respectfully, professionally, freely, and authentically. Gini Dietrich runs the world's number one PR website, spinsucks.com, where she posts cutting-edge ideas and resources for efficient, ethical interaction. Now, she's distilled what she's learned into a detailed, actionable roadmap for any company owner who wishes to master the modern rules of communications.
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Spin Sucks will show you how to connect with your clients, partners, investors, and cultures respectfully, professionally, freely, and authentically. Gini Dietrich runs the world’s number one PR website, spinsucks.com, where she posts cutting-edge ideas and resources for efficient, ethical interaction. Now, she’s distilled what she’s learned into a detailed, actionable roadmap for any company owner who wishes to master the modern rules of communications.

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Spin Sucks will show you how to connect with your clients, partners, investors, and cultures respectfully, professionally, freely, and authentically. Gini Dietrich runs the world’s number one PR website, spinsucks.com, where she posts cutting-edge ideas and resources for efficient, ethical interaction. Now, she’s distilled what she’s learned into a detailed, actionable roadmap for any company owner who wishes to master the modern rules of communications.

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Book cover of Brand New You by Simon Middleton
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Brand New You is not a book about strong handshakes or respecting dress code for interviews, it goes far beyond that. It's about creating and living, your new life story!
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Brand New You is not a book about strong handshakes or respecting dress code for interviews, it goes far beyond that. It’s about creating and living, your new life story!

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Brand New You is not a book about strong handshakes or respecting dress code for interviews, it goes far beyond that. It’s about creating and living, your new life story!

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  • Great overall