Book cover of Think Wrong by John Bielenberg, Mike Burn, Greg Galle, Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson
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Think Wrong - How to Conquer the Status Quo and Do Work That Matters

by John Bielenberg, Mike Burn, Greg Galle, Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson
  • Decent writing
Modern time challenges are arising at an ever-accelerating pace now, and we are unable to find the innovative solutions we are looking for. Think Wrong: How to Conquer the Status Quo and Do Work That Matters shows you how to use revolutionary problem-solving method to deliver consistently creative solutions to your wickedest questions. This book gives you new concepts and strategies to overcome the status quo and move forward. Within Think Wrong, thinkers and innovators…
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Modern time challenges are arising at an ever-accelerating pace now, and we are unable to find the innovative solutions we are looking for. Think Wrong: How to Conquer the Status Quo and Do Work That Matters shows you how to use revolutionary problem-solving method to deliver consistently creative solutions to your wickedest questions. This book gives you new concepts and strategies to overcome the status quo and move forward. Within Think Wrong, thinkers and innovators John Bielenberg, Mike Burn, and Greg Galle demonstrate how innovative people have built ways to ever challenge their minds and skills. Think Wrong is a practical guide to adapting this highly successful problem-solving method to all kind of problems.

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Modern time challenges are arising at an ever-accelerating pace now, and we are unable to find the innovative solutions we are looking for. Think Wrong: How to Conquer the Status Quo and Do Work That Matters shows you how to use revolutionary problem-solving method to deliver consistently creative solutions to your wickedest questions. This book gives you new concepts and strategies to overcome the status quo and move forward. Within Think Wrong, thinkers and innovators John Bielenberg, Mike Burn, and Greg Galle demonstrate how innovative people have built ways to ever challenge their minds and skills. Think Wrong is a practical guide to adapting this highly successful problem-solving method to all kind of problems.

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  • Decent writing

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