Book cover of The Sum of My Parts by Olga Trujillo JD
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The Sum of My Parts - A Survivor's Story of Dissociative Identity Disorder

by Olga Trujillo JD
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Olga Trujillo had survived years of violence and brutal rape already at a very yound age. During the next ten years, dissociative identity disorder (DID) developed, keeping Olga's conscious mind away from constant abuse. In The Sum of My Parts, Olga exposes her life story for the first time, narrating her heroic journey through her incredible recovery from DID. DID is characterized by the existence of two or more personalities, commonly known as multiple personality…
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Olga Trujillo had survived years of violence and brutal rape already at a very yound age. During the next ten years, dissociative identity disorder (DID) developed, keeping Olga’s conscious mind away from constant abuse.
In The Sum of My Parts, Olga exposes her life story for the first time, narrating her heroic journey through her incredible recovery from DID. DID is characterized by the existence of two or more personalities, commonly known as multiple personality disorder. Olga strives in this riveting tale to uncover memories of her youth, and Olga’s alternate selves come out at the age of five, until when at the age of thirteen, she decides to ask for help and request bravely healing.

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Olga Trujillo had survived years of violence and brutal rape already at a very yound age. During the next ten years, dissociative identity disorder (DID) developed, keeping Olga’s conscious mind away from constant abuse.
In The Sum of My Parts, Olga exposes her life story for the first time, narrating her heroic journey through her incredible recovery from DID. DID is characterized by the existence of two or more personalities, commonly known as multiple personality disorder. Olga strives in this riveting tale to uncover memories of her youth, and Olga’s alternate selves come out at the age of five, until when at the age of thirteen, she decides to ask for help and request bravely healing.

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