Book cover of The Resilience Toolkit by Linda Graham
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Resilience is the acquired ability to deal with any degree of adversity, be it the minor annoyances of ordinary life or the hardships and sorrows that break our hearts. Throughout The Resilience Toolkit, Linda Graham gives straightforward advice in building somatic, psychological, cognitive, and analytical awareness abilities that enhance readers' confidence in their own talents in learning to deal with…
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Resilience is the acquired ability to deal with any degree of adversity, be it the minor annoyances of ordinary life or the hardships and sorrows that break our hearts. Throughout The Resilience Toolkit, Linda Graham gives straightforward advice in building somatic, psychological, cognitive, and analytical awareness abilities that enhance readers’ confidence in their own talents in learning to deal with unexpected difficulties and crises in lives.

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Resilience is the acquired ability to deal with any degree of adversity, be it the minor annoyances of ordinary life or the hardships and sorrows that break our hearts. Throughout The Resilience Toolkit, Linda Graham gives straightforward advice in building somatic, psychological, cognitive, and analytical awareness abilities that enhance readers’ confidence in their own talents in learning to deal with unexpected difficulties and crises in lives.

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  • Great overall
  • Outstanding content