Book cover of The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook by Martha Davis, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, Matthew McKay
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The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook

by Martha Davis, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman, Matthew McKay
  • Great writing
Once it was first published in 1980, the Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook broke new ground, outlining simple, step-by-step strategies to relax the body and brain in an increasingly over-stimulated environment. This workbook, widely respected by psychologists and their patients, is now in its sixth edition the go-to guide of pressure management techniques that can be integrated into even the busiest lives. You will discuss your own causes and signs of stress in the first section and discover how to develop a comprehensive stress management strategy. Every section includes a…
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Once it was first published in 1980, the Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook broke new ground, outlining simple, step-by-step strategies to relax the body and brain in an increasingly over-stimulated environment. This workbook, widely respected by psychologists and their patients, is now in its sixth edition the go-to guide of pressure management techniques that can be integrated into even the busiest lives. You will discuss your own causes and signs of stress in the first section and discover how to develop a comprehensive stress management strategy. Every section includes a specific approach of relaxing and stress management, discusses how the technique works, and offers on-the-spot workouts if you feel overwhelmed which you can use to follow the process. The outcome is a detailed and open workbook that aids in tense situations and allow for a more balanced life.

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Once it was first published in 1980, the Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook broke new ground, outlining simple, step-by-step strategies to relax the body and brain in an increasingly over-stimulated environment. This workbook, widely respected by psychologists and their patients, is now in its sixth edition the go-to guide of pressure management techniques that can be integrated into even the busiest lives. You will discuss your own causes and signs of stress in the first section and discover how to develop a comprehensive stress management strategy. Every section includes a specific approach of relaxing and stress management, discusses how the technique works, and offers on-the-spot workouts if you feel overwhelmed which you can use to follow the process. The outcome is a detailed and open workbook that aids in tense situations and allow for a more balanced life.

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  • Great writing