Book cover of The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
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The Power of Positive Thinking

by Norman Vincent Peale
  • Decent overall
  • Great writing
Norman Vincent Peale was one of the most prominent clergy in the United States for half a century. Combining the teachings of Christianity beautifully with a deep knowledge of human nature, Peale conveyed a message about the importance of religion that resonated with citizens from all religions. The Power of Positive Thinking, the most popular of his forty-six novels, has been in print for fifty years, selling fifteen million copies, and translated into forty languages. The legacy of Peale persists today in the efforts of the Peale Institute for Christian…
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Norman Vincent Peale was one of the most prominent clergy in the United States for half a century. Combining the teachings of Christianity beautifully with a deep knowledge of human nature, Peale conveyed a message about the importance of religion that resonated with citizens from all religions. The Power of Positive Thinking, the most popular of his forty-six novels, has been in print for fifty years, selling fifteen million copies, and translated into forty languages. The legacy of Peale persists today in the efforts of the Peale Institute for Christian Living, the Guideposts Outreach Department, which is now run by family members, and the Guideposts newspaper, which has a circulation of over 3.2 million individuals.

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Norman Vincent Peale was one of the most prominent clergy in the United States for half a century. Combining the teachings of Christianity beautifully with a deep knowledge of human nature, Peale conveyed a message about the importance of religion that resonated with citizens from all religions. The Power of Positive Thinking, the most popular of his forty-six novels, has been in print for fifty years, selling fifteen million copies, and translated into forty languages. The legacy of Peale persists today in the efforts of the Peale Institute for Christian Living, the Guideposts Outreach Department, which is now run by family members, and the Guideposts newspaper, which has a circulation of over 3.2 million individuals.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing