Book cover of The Pleasure of Finding Things Out by Richard P. Feynman
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The Pleasure of Finding Things Out - The Best Short Works of Richard Feynman (Helix Books)

by Richard P. Feynman
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  • Great writing
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a great collection of Richard Feynman's finest short plays from interviews and addresses to lectures and printed posts. It presents an personal and fascinating view of a very unique life in science. This book will fascinate anyone interested in Feynman or science in general. Feynman's followers would be inspired by his humor and insightful knowledge of the natural world and human nature.
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The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a great collection of Richard Feynman’s finest short plays from interviews and addresses to lectures and printed posts. It presents an personal and fascinating view of a very unique life in science. This book will fascinate anyone interested in Feynman or science in general. Feynman’s followers would be inspired by his humor and insightful knowledge of the natural world and human nature.

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The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a great collection of Richard Feynman’s finest short plays from interviews and addresses to lectures and printed posts. It presents an personal and fascinating view of a very unique life in science. This book will fascinate anyone interested in Feynman or science in general. Feynman’s followers would be inspired by his humor and insightful knowledge of the natural world and human nature.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing