Book cover of The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod, Michael J Maher, Michael Reese, Jay Kinder
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The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents - It's Your Time to Rise and Shine (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 2)

by Hal Elrod, Michael J Maher, Michael Reese, Jay Kinder
  • Outstanding overall
  • Great writing
Real estate agents all have one thing in common: we want to bring our business at the NEXT LEVEL. We need to bring to the next level our lives, our businesses, and ourselves. What if you were able to get there, quicker than you ever thought possible, only by adjusting a bit your morning routine? The first edition of Miracle…
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Real estate agents all have one thing in common: we want to bring our business at the NEXT LEVEL. We need to bring to the next level our lives, our businesses, and ourselves. What if you were able to get there, quicker than you ever thought possible, only by adjusting a bit your morning routine? The first edition of Miracle Morning book rocked the real estate world, changing hundreds of thousands of agents lives and companies. Now, The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents adds the story of professionals Rick Masters and his wife, Michelle Masters struggling keeping up with both real estates performances and family life.
They attend a workshop and meet with other agents who use a basic 30-day challenge to change their lives socially and professionally. Despite the enthusiasm of Michelle, Rick remains cynical. Yet Rick decides to sign up with little to lose and everything to gain. He shows that in just 30 days you can truly change any and every aspect of your life.

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Real estate agents all have one thing in common: we want to bring our business at the NEXT LEVEL. We need to bring to the next level our lives, our businesses, and ourselves. What if you were able to get there, quicker than you ever thought possible, only by adjusting a bit your morning routine? The first edition of Miracle Morning book rocked the real estate world, changing hundreds of thousands of agents lives and companies. Now, The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents adds the story of professionals Rick Masters and his wife, Michelle Masters struggling keeping up with both real estates performances and family life.
They attend a workshop and meet with other agents who use a basic 30-day challenge to change their lives socially and professionally. Despite the enthusiasm of Michelle, Rick remains cynical. Yet Rick decides to sign up with little to lose and everything to gain. He shows that in just 30 days you can truly change any and every aspect of your life.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Great writing