Book cover of The Longevity Paradox by Dr. Steven R Gundry M.D.
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A creative project to lead a long, safe, prosperous life comes from the New York Times bestseller The Plant Paradox. Throughout much of his life, world-renowned physician Dr. Steven Gundry has treated mostly elderly. She says everybody feels they want to live forever before they enter the middle ages and see their parents' and even their peers' pain. Working with thousands of people, Dr. Gundry has found that the ageing disorders we most dread are…
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A creative project to lead a long, safe, prosperous life comes from the New York Times bestseller The Plant Paradox. Throughout much of his life, world-renowned physician Dr. Steven Gundry has treated mostly elderly. She says everybody feels they want to live forever before they enter the middle ages and see their parents’ and even their peers’ pain. Working with thousands of people, Dr. Gundry has found that the ageing disorders we most dread are not only a result of age; instead, they are a by-product of the way they have lived over the decades. Dr. Gundry outlines a roadmap of food and lifestyle in The Longevity Paradox to help digestive wellbeing and live well in the coming decades. The Longevity Paradox, a pragmatic guide to the emerging science of aging, provides an action plan to stop or cure illness and quick solutions to make you look younger and feel more alive.

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A creative project to lead a long, safe, prosperous life comes from the New York Times bestseller The Plant Paradox. Throughout much of his life, world-renowned physician Dr. Steven Gundry has treated mostly elderly. She says everybody feels they want to live forever before they enter the middle ages and see their parents’ and even their peers’ pain. Working with thousands of people, Dr. Gundry has found that the ageing disorders we most dread are not only a result of age; instead, they are a by-product of the way they have lived over the decades. Dr. Gundry outlines a roadmap of food and lifestyle in The Longevity Paradox to help digestive wellbeing and live well in the coming decades. The Longevity Paradox, a pragmatic guide to the emerging science of aging, provides an action plan to stop or cure illness and quick solutions to make you look younger and feel more alive.

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