Book cover of The Grace in Aging by Kathleen Dowling Singh
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The Grace in Aging - Awaken as You Grow Older

by Kathleen Dowling Singh
  • Great writing
Encouraging, encouraging, and pragmatic, The Grace in Aging invites to awaken all those who have ever experienced spiritual craving. Because aging does not in and of itself contribute to spiritual maturity, The Grace in Aging proposes and discusses the causes and conditions that we must build in our lives to allow enlightenment to occur. Kathleen Dowling Singh delivers manyfold lessons through wise and skillful ways. Clear words and sharp questions place Singh's teachings in the direct focus of our own lives; each chapter's contemplative nature permits an exceptional depth of…
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Encouraging, encouraging, and pragmatic, The Grace in Aging invites to awaken all those who have ever experienced spiritual craving. Because aging does not in and of itself contribute to spiritual maturity, The Grace in Aging proposes and discusses the causes and conditions that we must build in our lives to allow enlightenment to occur. Kathleen Dowling Singh delivers manyfold lessons through wise and skillful ways. Clear words and sharp questions place Singh’s teachings in the direct focus of our own lives; each chapter’s contemplative nature permits an exceptional depth of inquiry. Touching the reader directly, Singh offers us the ability to do the work of liberating our own mind. Universal in spirit, voice, and expression, Singh provides guidance from a number of religious history teachers: Chogyam Trungpa, the Apostles, Annie Dillard, and more. The Grace in Aging provides instructions to elderly adults who wish to reach awakening before they die.

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Encouraging, encouraging, and pragmatic, The Grace in Aging invites to awaken all those who have ever experienced spiritual craving. Because aging does not in and of itself contribute to spiritual maturity, The Grace in Aging proposes and discusses the causes and conditions that we must build in our lives to allow enlightenment to occur. Kathleen Dowling Singh delivers manyfold lessons through wise and skillful ways. Clear words and sharp questions place Singh’s teachings in the direct focus of our own lives; each chapter’s contemplative nature permits an exceptional depth of inquiry. Touching the reader directly, Singh offers us the ability to do the work of liberating our own mind. Universal in spirit, voice, and expression, Singh provides guidance from a number of religious history teachers: Chogyam Trungpa, the Apostles, Annie Dillard, and more. The Grace in Aging provides instructions to elderly adults who wish to reach awakening before they die.

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  • Great writing