Book cover of The Emotionally Sensitive Person by Karyn D. Hall PhD
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Have you been told "Stop being so emotional" or "sensitive" ? Such attacks can be difficult to take, specially when you are a really sensitive person. Much like a television series or a radio station broadcasting an irritating song, you can't turn off your feelings. Yet powerful strategies can help you deal with these feelings before they take over your life. A therapist uses proven-effective cognitive behavioural and empathy strategies for The Emotionally Sensitive Person…
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Have you been told “Stop being so emotional” or “sensitive” ? Such attacks can be difficult to take, specially when you are a really sensitive person. Much like a television series or a radio station broadcasting an irritating song, you can’t turn off your feelings. Yet powerful strategies can help you deal with these feelings before they take over your life. A therapist uses proven-effective cognitive behavioural and empathy strategies for The Emotionally Sensitive Person to support people like you coping with extreme emotions. You can discover valuable strategies in the book to remain in the present moment, recognise emotional stimuli, build a clear and safe personality, and feel painful or intense feelings without getting angry. When it comes to your heart, if you’re sick of feeling hurt and powerless, this book will supply you with evidence-based techniques to take away your emotions.

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Have you been told “Stop being so emotional” or “sensitive” ? Such attacks can be difficult to take, specially when you are a really sensitive person. Much like a television series or a radio station broadcasting an irritating song, you can’t turn off your feelings. Yet powerful strategies can help you deal with these feelings before they take over your life. A therapist uses proven-effective cognitive behavioural and empathy strategies for The Emotionally Sensitive Person to support people like you coping with extreme emotions. You can discover valuable strategies in the book to remain in the present moment, recognise emotional stimuli, build a clear and safe personality, and feel painful or intense feelings without getting angry. When it comes to your heart, if you’re sick of feeling hurt and powerless, this book will supply you with evidence-based techniques to take away your emotions.

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