Book cover of The Achievement Habit by Bernard Roth
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Roth uses the profound ideas that come from development thought in The Achievement Habit to help us understand the potential we all have inside us for meaningful change. Roth takes us through a series of interviews, narratives, tips, and activities to help us create a different experience in our lives. The Achievement Habit teaches you how we can create habits that make our lives better.
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Roth uses the profound ideas that come from development thought in The Achievement Habit to help us understand the potential we all have inside us for meaningful change. Roth takes us through a series of interviews, narratives, tips, and activities to help us create a different experience in our lives. The Achievement Habit teaches you how we can create habits that make our lives better.

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Roth uses the profound ideas that come from development thought in The Achievement Habit to help us understand the potential we all have inside us for meaningful change. Roth takes us through a series of interviews, narratives, tips, and activities to help us create a different experience in our lives. The Achievement Habit teaches you how we can create habits that make our lives better.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing