Book cover of The 100-Year Life by Lynda Gratton, Andrew Scott
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The 100-Year Life - Living and Working in an Age of Longevity

by Lynda Gratton, Andrew Scott
  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing
Most of us have been educated on the conventional idea of a three-stage transition to our daily lives: schooling, employment, and then retirement. Yet this well-established trajectory is now starting to crumble, standards for life are expanding, final wage savings are vanishing, and more people are juggling for growing numbers of individuals. Building from the rare blend of their social and economic expertise, Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott are providing a wide-ranging review as well…
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Most of us have been educated on the conventional idea of a three-stage transition to our daily lives: schooling, employment, and then retirement. Yet this well-established trajectory is now starting to crumble, standards for life are expanding, final wage savings are vanishing, and more people are juggling for growing numbers of individuals. Building from the rare blend of their social and economic expertise, Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott are providing a wide-ranging review as well as a variety of approaches, demonstrating how to reinvent your wealth, your health, your work and your friendships to build a rewarding 100-year existence. Shortlisted for the FT/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award, The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call outlining what to do and taking into account the decisions and opportunities you will face. This is also essentially a call for action for people, leaders, companies, and governments and provides the clearest evidence that a 100-year life can be great and encouraging.

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Most of us have been educated on the conventional idea of a three-stage transition to our daily lives: schooling, employment, and then retirement. Yet this well-established trajectory is now starting to crumble, standards for life are expanding, final wage savings are vanishing, and more people are juggling for growing numbers of individuals. Building from the rare blend of their social and economic expertise, Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott are providing a wide-ranging review as well as a variety of approaches, demonstrating how to reinvent your wealth, your health, your work and your friendships to build a rewarding 100-year existence. Shortlisted for the FT/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award, The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call outlining what to do and taking into account the decisions and opportunities you will face. This is also essentially a call for action for people, leaders, companies, and governments and provides the clearest evidence that a 100-year life can be great and encouraging.

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  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing