Book cover of Swimming with Seals by Victoria Whitworth
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Swimming with Seals

by Victoria Whitworth
  • Decent overall
  • Decent writing
Victoria Whitworth began bathing in Orkney's freezing waters as a way of immediate relief from a failing marriage and a variety of health problems. Her interactions with the nature, new friends she met over four years merged to change her life. The novel is a love letter to the beach where she frequently swims and her microcosmic world, the ever-changing weather where the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean converge, and to the seals, her constant companions.
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Victoria Whitworth began bathing in Orkney’s freezing waters as a way of immediate relief from a failing marriage and a variety of health problems. Her interactions with the nature, new friends she met over four years merged to change her life. The novel is a love letter to the beach where she frequently swims and her microcosmic world, the ever-changing weather where the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean converge, and to the seals, her constant companions.

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Victoria Whitworth began bathing in Orkney’s freezing waters as a way of immediate relief from a failing marriage and a variety of health problems. Her interactions with the nature, new friends she met over four years merged to change her life. The novel is a love letter to the beach where she frequently swims and her microcosmic world, the ever-changing weather where the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean converge, and to the seals, her constant companions.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent writing