Book cover of Survival of the Sickest by Dr. Sharon Moalem, Jonathan Prince
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Survival of the Sickest - A Medical Maverick Discovers Why We Need Disease

by Dr. Sharon Moalem, Jonathan Prince
  • Decent overall
  • Great writing
Diabetes has responded to the last Ice Age? has a lethal inherited disorder allowed our descendants to survive Europe's bubonic plagues? Why are we getting older? Dr. Sharon Moalem, entering the ranks of contemporary myth busters, flips our current view of illness on our head and asks us to radically alter the way we feel of our bodies, our wellbeing, and our connection with just about every other living being on Earth, from plants and…
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Diabetes has responded to the last Ice Age? has a lethal inherited disorder allowed our descendants to survive Europe’s bubonic plagues? Why are we getting older? Dr. Sharon Moalem, entering the ranks of contemporary myth busters, flips our current view of illness on our head and asks us to radically alter the way we feel of our bodies, our wellbeing, and our connection with just about every other living being on Earth, from plants and animals to insects and bacteria. Dr. Moalem shows in a new and fascinating study that some of today’s medical conditions originally gave our ancestors an advantge in survival. He shows that evolution tneds to choose longevity with sickness over healthy short live. Our genetic heritage shows climate evolution, type of food and beverage our ancerstors were consuming Survival of the Sickest illustrates that modern medicine needs to aknowledge our past in order to help us live longer. Survival of the Sickest is packed with insightful observations and cutting-edge science, delivered in a way that is simultaneously open and fully absorbent.

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Diabetes has responded to the last Ice Age? has a lethal inherited disorder allowed our descendants to survive Europe’s bubonic plagues? Why are we getting older? Dr. Sharon Moalem, entering the ranks of contemporary myth busters, flips our current view of illness on our head and asks us to radically alter the way we feel of our bodies, our wellbeing, and our connection with just about every other living being on Earth, from plants and animals to insects and bacteria. Dr. Moalem shows in a new and fascinating study that some of today’s medical conditions originally gave our ancestors an advantge in survival. He shows that evolution tneds to choose longevity with sickness over healthy short live. Our genetic heritage shows climate evolution, type of food and beverage our ancerstors were consuming Survival of the Sickest illustrates that modern medicine needs to aknowledge our past in order to help us live longer. Survival of the Sickest is packed with insightful observations and cutting-edge science, delivered in a way that is simultaneously open and fully absorbent.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing