Book cover of Running Rewired by Jay Dicharry
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In Running Rewired, America's leading physical trainer and coach in distance sports offers a plan to make athletes smarter, quicker, and more resilient. Jay Dicharry distills state-of-the-art biomechanical science into 15 routines that any athlete can fit into their fitness schedule and see real results in just 6 weeks. You will reset your motion and improve your running in one season. Dicharry has discovered that endurance training alone is insufficient for runners from his experience…
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In Running Rewired, America’s leading physical trainer and coach in distance sports offers a plan to make athletes smarter, quicker, and more resilient. Jay Dicharry distills state-of-the-art biomechanical science into 15 routines that any athlete can fit into their fitness schedule and see real results in just 6 weeks. You will reset your motion and improve your running in one season. Dicharry has discovered that endurance training alone is insufficient for runners from his experience with athletes at REP Lab and leading physical quality centers at universities. Runners have to learn good coordination as they gain confidence and improve the four basic movement skills required for quicker, smoother running. Running Rewired by Dicharry blends the best of real-world coaching and a endurance and agility approach to physical training to run better. You should find your best running personal style and become a quicker, longer-lasting athlete.

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In Running Rewired, America’s leading physical trainer and coach in distance sports offers a plan to make athletes smarter, quicker, and more resilient. Jay Dicharry distills state-of-the-art biomechanical science into 15 routines that any athlete can fit into their fitness schedule and see real results in just 6 weeks. You will reset your motion and improve your running in one season. Dicharry has discovered that endurance training alone is insufficient for runners from his experience with athletes at REP Lab and leading physical quality centers at universities. Runners have to learn good coordination as they gain confidence and improve the four basic movement skills required for quicker, smoother running. Running Rewired by Dicharry blends the best of real-world coaching and a endurance and agility approach to physical training to run better. You should find your best running personal style and become a quicker, longer-lasting athlete.

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