Book cover of Recovery by Russell Brand
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Recovery - Freedom from Our Addictions

by Russell Brand
  • Decent overall
  • Great writing
In a remarkable combination of sincerity, charm, and empathy, Russell Brand, actor and movie star, mines his own crazy tale and shares the advice and insight he has learned during his 14 years of rehab. Brand refers to those suffering from any kind of dependence, like drugs; nicotine, caffeine, job addiction, social media, and others. Brand knows that dependency can take multiple forms and dimensions, and that it is a routine task to stay safe, happy, and unhooked. Yet what real pain is being your addiction? Russell's never before revealed…
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In a remarkable combination of sincerity, charm, and empathy, Russell Brand, actor and movie star, mines his own crazy tale and shares the advice and insight he has learned during his 14 years of rehab. Brand refers to those suffering from any kind of dependence, like drugs; nicotine, caffeine, job addiction, social media, and others. Brand knows that dependency can take multiple forms and dimensions, and that it is a routine task to stay safe, happy, and unhooked. Yet what real pain is being your addiction? Russell’s never before revealed the tools and resources that truly kept him away from it. In this book, he not only offers a survival strategy, but also explains how to make sense of the pain masked from your addiction.

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In a remarkable combination of sincerity, charm, and empathy, Russell Brand, actor and movie star, mines his own crazy tale and shares the advice and insight he has learned during his 14 years of rehab. Brand refers to those suffering from any kind of dependence, like drugs; nicotine, caffeine, job addiction, social media, and others. Brand knows that dependency can take multiple forms and dimensions, and that it is a routine task to stay safe, happy, and unhooked. Yet what real pain is being your addiction? Russell’s never before revealed the tools and resources that truly kept him away from it. In this book, he not only offers a survival strategy, but also explains how to make sense of the pain masked from your addiction.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing