Book cover of Real Happiness at Work by Sharon Salzberg
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Real Happiness at Work - Meditations for Accomplishment, Achievement, and Peace

by Sharon Salzberg
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Real Happiness at Work takes the fundamental advantages of mindfulness to an environment where people can make the most of it at work. And it's written by one of the top practitioners of mindfulness in the world. A follow-up to Real Happiness, the bestseller of the New York Times, Sharon Salzberg's Real Happiness at Work is a realistic roadmap to changing work life through knowledge, empathy, and naivety. to counterbalance pressure and anger, it's about…
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Real Happiness at Work takes the fundamental advantages of mindfulness to an environment where people can make the most of it at work. And it’s written by one of the top practitioners of mindfulness in the world. A follow-up to Real Happiness, the bestseller of the New York Times, Sharon Salzberg’s Real Happiness at Work is a realistic roadmap to changing work life through knowledge, empathy, and naivety. to counterbalance pressure and anger, it’s about being committed without being absorbed, aggressive without being mean, balancing time and emotions. To do good, more successful job, it teaches readers how to be more imaginative, coordinated, and achieved. Dividing the concept of job happiness into eight principles, Real Happiness at Work is packed with biblical wisdom; key meditations on specific topics such as inspiration, empathy, and finding the best in others; and more than a dozen activities, like Moving from Me to We and When Things Go Wrong. The book is packed with brief tactical meditations, easy and actionnable in any situation. Let the phone ring three times, focus on your pulse, then pick it up; or during your next convesation try to listen more than you talk. Against workplace unhappiness meditaion and mindfulness are the cure.

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Real Happiness at Work takes the fundamental advantages of mindfulness to an environment where people can make the most of it at work. And it’s written by one of the top practitioners of mindfulness in the world. A follow-up to Real Happiness, the bestseller of the New York Times, Sharon Salzberg’s Real Happiness at Work is a realistic roadmap to changing work life through knowledge, empathy, and naivety. to counterbalance pressure and anger, it’s about being committed without being absorbed, aggressive without being mean, balancing time and emotions. To do good, more successful job, it teaches readers how to be more imaginative, coordinated, and achieved. Dividing the concept of job happiness into eight principles, Real Happiness at Work is packed with biblical wisdom; key meditations on specific topics such as inspiration, empathy, and finding the best in others; and more than a dozen activities, like Moving from Me to We and When Things Go Wrong. The book is packed with brief tactical meditations, easy and actionnable in any situation. Let the phone ring three times, focus on your pulse, then pick it up; or during your next convesation try to listen more than you talk. Against workplace unhappiness meditaion and mindfulness are the cure.

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