Book cover of Principles by Ray Dalio
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Principles - Life and Work

by Ray Dalio
  • Decent overall
  • Great writing
Ray Dalio, one of the most influential businessmen and entrepreneurs in the world, shares the unorthodox ideas he has created, perfected and used over the past 40 years to produce remarkable outcomes in life and industry. in 1975, from his two-bedroom apartment in New York City, Ray Dalio formed an investment company, Bridgewater Associates. Forty years on, according to Fortune Magazine, Bridgewater has made more money for its investors than any other hedge fund in history and has developed into the second largest investment firm in the U.S. Dalio was…
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Ray Dalio, one of the most influential businessmen and entrepreneurs in the world, shares the unorthodox ideas he has created, perfected and used over the past 40 years to produce remarkable outcomes in life and industry. in 1975, from his two-bedroom apartment in New York City, Ray Dalio formed an investment company, Bridgewater Associates. Forty years on, according to Fortune Magazine, Bridgewater has made more money for its investors than any other hedge fund in history and has developed into the second largest investment firm in the U.S. Dalio was added to the list of the 100 most influential men in the world by Time magazine. Dalio shares what he has learned during his incredible career in Principles. Hundreds of concrete insights from the book, built on its cornerstones of revolutionary honesty and radical openness, include Dalio pointing out the most successful strategies for people and organisations to take decisions, tackle problems, and create powerful teams. He also presents creative methods to bring a meritocracy philosophy to life, such as developing baseball cards for all workers distilling their abilities and shortcomings, or using computer-based decision-making processes to create credibility-weighted decisions. Although the book brims with innovative concepts for organisations and agencies, Principles also offers a simple, concise guide to decision-making which Dalio thinks everyone should follow, regardless of what they try to do.

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Ray Dalio, one of the most influential businessmen and entrepreneurs in the world, shares the unorthodox ideas he has created, perfected and used over the past 40 years to produce remarkable outcomes in life and industry. in 1975, from his two-bedroom apartment in New York City, Ray Dalio formed an investment company, Bridgewater Associates. Forty years on, according to Fortune Magazine, Bridgewater has made more money for its investors than any other hedge fund in history and has developed into the second largest investment firm in the U.S. Dalio was added to the list of the 100 most influential men in the world by Time magazine. Dalio shares what he has learned during his incredible career in Principles. Hundreds of concrete insights from the book, built on its cornerstones of revolutionary honesty and radical openness, include Dalio pointing out the most successful strategies for people and organisations to take decisions, tackle problems, and create powerful teams. He also presents creative methods to bring a meritocracy philosophy to life, such as developing baseball cards for all workers distilling their abilities and shortcomings, or using computer-based decision-making processes to create credibility-weighted decisions. Although the book brims with innovative concepts for organisations and agencies, Principles also offers a simple, concise guide to decision-making which Dalio thinks everyone should follow, regardless of what they try to do.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing