Book cover of Positive Energy by Judith Orloff
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Energy Therapy combines traditional medicine experience with a new theoretical interpretation of hidden forces, regarded as our life energy in many cross-cultural healing practices. Dr. Orloff describes this fascinating new approach in Positive Energy and how it prompted her to devise ten important prescriptions to increase power, strengthen friendships, and battle energy vampires. This book's aim is to make your…
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Energy Therapy combines traditional medicine experience with a new theoretical interpretation of hidden forces, regarded as our life energy in many cross-cultural healing practices. Dr. Orloff describes this fascinating new approach in Positive Energy and how it prompted her to devise ten important prescriptions to increase power, strengthen friendships, and battle energy vampires. This book’s aim is to make your life easier. Every prescription has straightforward instructions to follow the quick, effective workouts Dr. Orloff offers her patients and uses herself, plus there is a chapter on treating yourself to help you relax and experience the full benefits of this approach. Positive Energy teaches you how to slow down time to match your patterns, helping you to be truly present in your life. Positive Energy is the toolkit packed with Dr. Orloff’s warmth, charm, and empathy to turn exhaustion, tension, and anxiety into an explosion of energy, power, and love.

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Energy Therapy combines traditional medicine experience with a new theoretical interpretation of hidden forces, regarded as our life energy in many cross-cultural healing practices. Dr. Orloff describes this fascinating new approach in Positive Energy and how it prompted her to devise ten important prescriptions to increase power, strengthen friendships, and battle energy vampires. This book’s aim is to make your life easier. Every prescription has straightforward instructions to follow the quick, effective workouts Dr. Orloff offers her patients and uses herself, plus there is a chapter on treating yourself to help you relax and experience the full benefits of this approach. Positive Energy teaches you how to slow down time to match your patterns, helping you to be truly present in your life. Positive Energy is the toolkit packed with Dr. Orloff’s warmth, charm, and empathy to turn exhaustion, tension, and anxiety into an explosion of energy, power, and love.

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