Book cover of Poor Students, Rich Teaching by Eric Jensen
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Growing up with quite negative childhood experiences, Eric Jensen understands the relationship between student poverty and education. A comprehensive guide outlines the research that educators have to do to create the structural improvements that are important to addressing challenges and making a positive effect on low-income students. Organized tips and recources are given to help educators incorporate these important improvements successfully and create a supportive atmosphere in the classroom. Build positive partnerships between educator and student and help students see success as an achievable target.
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Growing up with quite negative childhood experiences, Eric Jensen understands the relationship between student poverty and education. A comprehensive guide outlines the research that educators have to do to create the structural improvements that are important to addressing challenges and making a positive effect on low-income students. Organized tips and recources are given to help educators incorporate these important improvements successfully and create a supportive atmosphere in the classroom. Build positive partnerships between educator and student and help students see success as an achievable target.

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Growing up with quite negative childhood experiences, Eric Jensen understands the relationship between student poverty and education. A comprehensive guide outlines the research that educators have to do to create the structural improvements that are important to addressing challenges and making a positive effect on low-income students. Organized tips and recources are given to help educators incorporate these important improvements successfully and create a supportive atmosphere in the classroom. Build positive partnerships between educator and student and help students see success as an achievable target.

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  • Outstanding writing