Book cover of Perfect Is Boring by Tyra Banks, Carolyn London
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Tyra Banks and her mother Carolyn's tell readers that if you kick elegance to the curb and expose your incredible talent, no one can stop you! With simplicity and honesty they reveal, In Perfect Is Boring, what they've learned Tyra's evolution from fragile preteen to supermodel and unbeatable businesswomen. There's no denying that Carolyn's trademark blend of inspirational words and discipline has taken Tyra to where she's now. Perfect is Boring is a must-read for…
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Tyra Banks and her mother Carolyn’s tell readers that if you kick elegance to the curb and expose your incredible talent, no one can stop you! With simplicity and honesty they reveal, In Perfect Is Boring, what they’ve learned Tyra’s evolution from fragile preteen to supermodel and unbeatable businesswomen. There’s no denying that Carolyn’s trademark blend of inspirational words and discipline has taken Tyra to where she’s now. Perfect is Boring is a must-read for anybody who wants a kick in the booty, a slap on the back, and a decent excuse to laugh-out-loud, full of clever, sensible, and sometimes amusing lessons for mothers, sisters, fathers and sons everywhere.

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Tyra Banks and her mother Carolyn’s tell readers that if you kick elegance to the curb and expose your incredible talent, no one can stop you! With simplicity and honesty they reveal, In Perfect Is Boring, what they’ve learned Tyra’s evolution from fragile preteen to supermodel and unbeatable businesswomen. There’s no denying that Carolyn’s trademark blend of inspirational words and discipline has taken Tyra to where she’s now. Perfect is Boring is a must-read for anybody who wants a kick in the booty, a slap on the back, and a decent excuse to laugh-out-loud, full of clever, sensible, and sometimes amusing lessons for mothers, sisters, fathers and sons everywhere.

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  • Great overall
  • Great writing