Book cover of Motivation for Creative People by Mark McGuinness
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We fell in love with our creative work and seek a career that allows us to do that every day. Psychological science supports what we feel in our hearts: if we work for the pure pleasure of it, we are at our most imaginative and creative. You can ruin your creativity by relying on extrinsic encouragement such as money, popularity, or other incentives. When you're not enthusiastic about the challenge before you, it's difficult to…
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We fell in love with our creative work and seek a career that allows us to do that every day. Psychological science supports what we feel in our hearts: if we work for the pure pleasure of it, we are at our most imaginative and creative. You can ruin your creativity by relying on extrinsic encouragement such as money, popularity, or other incentives. When you’re not enthusiastic about the challenge before you, it’s difficult to do your best work, regardless of what benefits it may offer. Working for love is nice, but you can’t overlook the benefits because you’re a talented professional: you need cash to live your life and support your ideas. You may not want to be popular, but you need a decent reputation in your professional network. Read Motivation for Creative People if you are concerned about thriving in your creative career and being faithful to your inspiration.

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We fell in love with our creative work and seek a career that allows us to do that every day. Psychological science supports what we feel in our hearts: if we work for the pure pleasure of it, we are at our most imaginative and creative. You can ruin your creativity by relying on extrinsic encouragement such as money, popularity, or other incentives. When you’re not enthusiastic about the challenge before you, it’s difficult to do your best work, regardless of what benefits it may offer. Working for love is nice, but you can’t overlook the benefits because you’re a talented professional: you need cash to live your life and support your ideas. You may not want to be popular, but you need a decent reputation in your professional network. Read Motivation for Creative People if you are concerned about thriving in your creative career and being faithful to your inspiration.

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  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing