Book cover of Mini Habits for Weight Loss by Stephen Guise
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You will learn how to lose weight naturally in Mini Habits for Weight loss, in the natural way in which the body and mind are supposed to change. The book's methods are based on detailed work in genetics and neuroscience. Thanks to Mini Habits for Weight Loss you're never going to diet again but rather enjoy long lasting changes.
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You will learn how to lose weight naturally in Mini Habits for Weight loss, in the natural way in which the body and mind are supposed to change. The book’s methods are based on detailed work in genetics and neuroscience. Thanks to Mini Habits for Weight Loss you’re never going to diet again but rather enjoy long lasting changes.

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You will learn how to lose weight naturally in Mini Habits for Weight loss, in the natural way in which the body and mind are supposed to change. The book’s methods are based on detailed work in genetics and neuroscience. Thanks to Mini Habits for Weight Loss you’re never going to diet again but rather enjoy long lasting changes.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing