Book cover of Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
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Mindfulness in Plain English

by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana
  • Decent overall
  • Great writing
This has been one of the bestselling books in the area of mindfulness since Mindfulness in Plain English was first published in 1994. Bhante Gunaratana, explains us gradually the myths, truths, and benefits of practicing meditation and mindfulness. The book highlights the simplicity and wit of Bhante's signature as he discusses the mindfulness method, what it does, and how it works. The revised version contains her predecessor's full text along with a new section on fostering compassionate kindness, a subject of great significance in today's world. It is a good…
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This has been one of the bestselling books in the area of mindfulness since Mindfulness in Plain English was first published in 1994. Bhante Gunaratana, explains us gradually the myths, truths, and benefits of practicing meditation and mindfulness. The book highlights the simplicity and wit of Bhante’s signature as he discusses the mindfulness method, what it does, and how it works. The revised version contains her predecessor’s full text along with a new section on fostering compassionate kindness, a subject of great significance in today’s world. It is a good tool for those new to meditation to learn how to achieve inner peace in life.

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This has been one of the bestselling books in the area of mindfulness since Mindfulness in Plain English was first published in 1994. Bhante Gunaratana, explains us gradually the myths, truths, and benefits of practicing meditation and mindfulness. The book highlights the simplicity and wit of Bhante’s signature as he discusses the mindfulness method, what it does, and how it works. The revised version contains her predecessor’s full text along with a new section on fostering compassionate kindness, a subject of great significance in today’s world. It is a good tool for those new to meditation to learn how to achieve inner peace in life.

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  • Decent overall
  • Great writing