Book cover of Mindfulness for Teachers by Patricia A. Jennings
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Mindfulness for Teachers is founded on vast experience as a practitioner of mindfulness, instructor, and academic. Building on fundamental and applied work in the fields of biology, psychology, and education, the book offers useful data about how carefulness can help educators navigate the classroom's challenging demands, maintain an excellent learning atmosphere, and revitalize teaching and learning.
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Mindfulness for Teachers is founded on vast experience as a practitioner of mindfulness, instructor, and academic. Building on fundamental and applied work in the fields of biology, psychology, and education, the book offers useful data about how carefulness can help educators navigate the classroom’s challenging demands, maintain an excellent learning atmosphere, and revitalize teaching and learning.

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Mindfulness for Teachers is founded on vast experience as a practitioner of mindfulness, instructor, and academic. Building on fundamental and applied work in the fields of biology, psychology, and education, the book offers useful data about how carefulness can help educators navigate the classroom’s challenging demands, maintain an excellent learning atmosphere, and revitalize teaching and learning.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing