Book cover of Mindful Running by Mackenzie L. Havey
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You tap into a strong mind-body link by adding mental training to your running routine that not only optimizes athletic success, but also enhances satisfaction on and off the tracks. Mindful Running draws together science research, professional insight, and elite athlete insights to show how connecting to your mind, body, and community in a different way can help you run…
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You tap into a strong mind-body link by adding mental training to your running routine that not only optimizes athletic success, but also enhances satisfaction on and off the tracks. Mindful Running draws together science research, professional insight, and elite athlete insights to show how connecting to your mind, body, and community in a different way can help you run longer and better, as well as improve your overall cognitive, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It’s also teaching you to handle more comfortably all kind of challenges. Mindful Running is a full workout routine for the body and brain.

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You tap into a strong mind-body link by adding mental training to your running routine that not only optimizes athletic success, but also enhances satisfaction on and off the tracks. Mindful Running draws together science research, professional insight, and elite athlete insights to show how connecting to your mind, body, and community in a different way can help you run longer and better, as well as improve your overall cognitive, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It’s also teaching you to handle more comfortably all kind of challenges. Mindful Running is a full workout routine for the body and brain.

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