Book cover of Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ by John Owen
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Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ

by John Owen
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John Owen was a former minister from Great Britain. Owen, born and raised in Oxfordshire as a Puritan, make his classes at Queen's College, where he was ordained. Owen became a priest in a number of separate parishes since being ordained. Owen would later return to Oxford and become the academic administrator. Owen became more involved in politics when Cromwell died and entered the party at the Wallingford House. Owen has written on a number of subjects throughout his career, including the defense of Calvinism in A Display of Arminianism.
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John Owen was a former minister from Great Britain. Owen, born and raised in Oxfordshire as a Puritan, make his classes at Queen’s College, where he was ordained. Owen became a priest in a number of separate parishes since being ordained. Owen would later return to Oxford and become the academic administrator. Owen became more involved in politics when Cromwell died and entered the party at the Wallingford House. Owen has written on a number of subjects throughout his career, including the defense of Calvinism in A Display of Arminianism.

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John Owen was a former minister from Great Britain. Owen, born and raised in Oxfordshire as a Puritan, make his classes at Queen’s College, where he was ordained. Owen became a priest in a number of separate parishes since being ordained. Owen would later return to Oxford and become the academic administrator. Owen became more involved in politics when Cromwell died and entered the party at the Wallingford House. Owen has written on a number of subjects throughout his career, including the defense of Calvinism in A Display of Arminianism.

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  • Great writing