Book cover of Let Food Be Your Medicine by Don Colbert MD
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In Let Food Be Your Medicine, Dr. Don Colbert looks at the most popular medical conditions and uses a specially adapted Mediterranean diet to make quick lifestyle improvements. Let Food Be Your Medicine provides menu schedules, tasty meals, nutrition tips and other information that will help you discover a nutritional solution that can transform your life.
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In Let Food Be Your Medicine, Dr. Don Colbert looks at the most popular medical conditions and uses a specially adapted Mediterranean diet to make quick lifestyle improvements. Let Food Be Your Medicine provides menu schedules, tasty meals, nutrition tips and other information that will help you discover a nutritional solution that can transform your life.

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In Let Food Be Your Medicine, Dr. Don Colbert looks at the most popular medical conditions and uses a specially adapted Mediterranean diet to make quick lifestyle improvements. Let Food Be Your Medicine provides menu schedules, tasty meals, nutrition tips and other information that will help you discover a nutritional solution that can transform your life.

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  • Great writing