Book cover of I'm Not Supposed to Be Here by Rachel Reiland
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Rachel Reiland screamed after she learned the words borderline personality disorder (BPD), on her mental hospital discharge documents. As the manager, daughter, and mother of small children will quickly discover, borderline personality disorder (BPD) was the condition that largely explained her volatile rage, dishonest habits, and self-destructive tendencies, like crippling periods of drug abuse. Her experience is terrifying, but nevertheless hopeful; providing living evidence that it is possible to recover from this tenacious psychological condition…
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Rachel Reiland screamed after she learned the words borderline personality disorder (BPD), on her mental hospital discharge documents. As the manager, daughter, and mother of small children will quickly discover, borderline personality disorder (BPD) was the condition that largely explained her volatile rage, dishonest habits, and self-destructive tendencies, like crippling periods of drug abuse. Her experience is terrifying, but nevertheless hopeful; providing living evidence that it is possible to recover from this tenacious psychological condition by rigorous treatment and loved one’s help and support.

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Rachel Reiland screamed after she learned the words borderline personality disorder (BPD), on her mental hospital discharge documents. As the manager, daughter, and mother of small children will quickly discover, borderline personality disorder (BPD) was the condition that largely explained her volatile rage, dishonest habits, and self-destructive tendencies, like crippling periods of drug abuse. Her experience is terrifying, but nevertheless hopeful; providing living evidence that it is possible to recover from this tenacious psychological condition by rigorous treatment and loved one’s help and support.

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