Book cover of How to Relax (Mindfulness Essentials) by Thich Nhat Hanh
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How to Relax (Mindfulness Essentials)

by Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing
How to Relax, part of book series by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, teaches beginners and remindes experienced practitioners of the basics of the practice of mindfulness. Pocket-sized, with Jason DeAntonis' original two-color drawings, How to Relax reveals how important it is to disrupt our life's hub-bub and routine frequently. Relaxation is necessary to obtain access to the tranquility and satisfaction that contributes to improved well-being. Including chapters on recovery, nonstop thought ease, changing disturbing sounds, isolation, harmony, and more, How to Relax provides meditations you can use to help…
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How to Relax, part of book series by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, teaches beginners and remindes experienced practitioners of the basics of the practice of mindfulness. Pocket-sized, with Jason DeAntonis’ original two-color drawings, How to Relax reveals how important it is to disrupt our life’s hub-bub and routine frequently. Relaxation is necessary to obtain access to the tranquility and satisfaction that contributes to improved well-being. Including chapters on recovery, nonstop thought ease, changing disturbing sounds, isolation, harmony, and more, How to Relax provides meditations you can use to help you attain the effects of relaxing anywhere anytime. Scientific findings indicate that mindfulness makes a significant difference to well-being, good wellbeing and lifespan. How to Relax is a special gift to anyone who need a clear guide to gain deep relaxation, tension reduction, and psychological freshness and awareness restoration.

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How to Relax, part of book series by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, teaches beginners and remindes experienced practitioners of the basics of the practice of mindfulness. Pocket-sized, with Jason DeAntonis’ original two-color drawings, How to Relax reveals how important it is to disrupt our life’s hub-bub and routine frequently. Relaxation is necessary to obtain access to the tranquility and satisfaction that contributes to improved well-being. Including chapters on recovery, nonstop thought ease, changing disturbing sounds, isolation, harmony, and more, How to Relax provides meditations you can use to help you attain the effects of relaxing anywhere anytime. Scientific findings indicate that mindfulness makes a significant difference to well-being, good wellbeing and lifespan. How to Relax is a special gift to anyone who need a clear guide to gain deep relaxation, tension reduction, and psychological freshness and awareness restoration.

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  • Outstanding overall
  • Outstanding writing