Book cover of How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week by Dominic O'Brien
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This book is a memory enhancing program by Dominic OBrien, eight-fold World Memory Champion. Dominic takes you step by step into an innovative training course, sharing some of his tried and tested methods to draw on his victorious successes in the championship. Due to his professional knowledge of how the brain reacts to basic memory learning, Dominic provides techniques and advice to increase your cognitive ability at a practical yet remarkable pace.
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This book is a memory enhancing program by Dominic OBrien, eight-fold World Memory Champion. Dominic takes you step by step into an innovative training course, sharing some of his tried and tested methods to draw on his victorious successes in the championship. Due to his professional knowledge of how the brain reacts to basic memory learning, Dominic provides techniques and advice to increase your cognitive ability at a practical yet remarkable pace.

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This book is a memory enhancing program by Dominic OBrien, eight-fold World Memory Champion. Dominic takes you step by step into an innovative training course, sharing some of his tried and tested methods to draw on his victorious successes in the championship. Due to his professional knowledge of how the brain reacts to basic memory learning, Dominic provides techniques and advice to increase your cognitive ability at a practical yet remarkable pace.

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  • Decent overall
  • Outstanding writing