Book cover of Healing for Damaged Emotions by David A. Seamands
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Healing for Damaged Emotions

by David A. Seamands
  • Great writing
Things in our lives, positive as well as evil, create rings in us like a tree's rings. Each ring captures experiences that influence our emotions, friendships, and God-related thoughts. He teaches us that we can seek salvation from our suffering and experience the rich life that God desires for us while he makes us name obstacles in our lives.
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Things in our lives, positive as well as evil, create rings in us like a tree’s rings. Each ring captures experiences that influence our emotions, friendships, and God-related thoughts. He teaches us that we can seek salvation from our suffering and experience the rich life that God desires for us while he makes us name obstacles in our lives.

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Things in our lives, positive as well as evil, create rings in us like a tree’s rings. Each ring captures experiences that influence our emotions, friendships, and God-related thoughts. He teaches us that we can seek salvation from our suffering and experience the rich life that God desires for us while he makes us name obstacles in our lives.

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  • Great writing