Book cover of Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
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Rachel Hollis, the popular web celebrity and creator of website, helps readers liberate themselves of the illusions that prevent them from the happy and exuberant life they are meant to have. Rachel Hollis built an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of followers by posting ideas for a happier life and exposing her own mess without hesitation. She helps women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving…
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Rachel Hollis, the popular web celebrity and creator of website, helps readers liberate themselves of the illusions that prevent them from the happy and exuberant life they are meant to have. Rachel Hollis built an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of followers by posting ideas for a happier life and exposing her own mess without hesitation. She helps women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward.
From her obsessions and to weird family requests, Hollis tells everything in a straightforward manner Hollis motivates women to live with passion and to awaken their sleeping ambitions.

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Rachel Hollis, the popular web celebrity and creator of website, helps readers liberate themselves of the illusions that prevent them from the happy and exuberant life they are meant to have. Rachel Hollis built an online fan base of hundreds of thousands of followers by posting ideas for a happier life and exposing her own mess without hesitation. She helps women unpack the limiting mind-sets that destroy their self-confidence and keep them from moving forward.
From her obsessions and to weird family requests, Hollis tells everything in a straightforward manner Hollis motivates women to live with passion and to awaken their sleeping ambitions.

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