Book cover of Getting Things Done by David Allen
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Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

by David Allen
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David Allen's Getting Things Done has been one of the most popular business books of his era since it was first released almost fifteen years ago, and the definitive book on private organisation. Allen has revised the book from beginning to end, tweaking his classic text with important insights on the new world, and adding material to make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This latest version of Getting Things Done will…
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David Allen’s Getting Things Done has been one of the most popular business books of his era since it was first released almost fifteen years ago, and the definitive book on private organisation. Allen has revised the book from beginning to end, tweaking his classic text with important insights on the new world, and adding material to make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This latest version of Getting Things Done will be embraced not only by its hundreds of thousands of loyal followers, but also by a whole new generation ready to follow its proven values.

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David Allen’s Getting Things Done has been one of the most popular business books of his era since it was first released almost fifteen years ago, and the definitive book on private organisation. Allen has revised the book from beginning to end, tweaking his classic text with important insights on the new world, and adding material to make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This latest version of Getting Things Done will be embraced not only by its hundreds of thousands of loyal followers, but also by a whole new generation ready to follow its proven values.

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