Book cover of Farsighted by Steven Johnson
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Farsighted - How We Make the Decisions That Matter the Most

by Steven Johnson
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Big, life-changing choices are so much more important than the decisions that we make every day, and they are often the most difficult: where to live, who to marry, what to believe, how to begin a business... To solve these kinds of conundrums, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. While you cannot template a once-in-a-lifetime option, you can influence the professional decision-makers' deliberative strategies. These professionals are not just the master strategists who manage big business…
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Big, life-changing choices are so much more important than the decisions that we make every day, and they are often the most difficult: where to live, who to marry, what to believe, how to begin a business… To solve these kinds of conundrums, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. While you cannot template a once-in-a-lifetime option, you can influence the professional decision-makers’ deliberative strategies. These professionals are not just the master strategists who manage big business and discuss negotiations at the highest level. They are the novelists who evoke the complexities of the internal life of their protagonists, the city authorities who ensure long-term sources of food, and the researchers who encounter potential problems that many of us have never yet considered. The smartest decision-makers don’t rely on instinct solely. Their success is built on a forward-looking attitude and the desire to look at all their choices in a innovative, constructive manner. Through engaging narratives that share unexpected insights, Johnson describes how we can make decisions that will more effectively shape the course of a life, an organisation, or a society. Farsighted will allow you to envision the life and understand the implicit wisdom of the decisions that influenced our larger cultural past.

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Big, life-changing choices are so much more important than the decisions that we make every day, and they are often the most difficult: where to live, who to marry, what to believe, how to begin a business… To solve these kinds of conundrums, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. While you cannot template a once-in-a-lifetime option, you can influence the professional decision-makers’ deliberative strategies. These professionals are not just the master strategists who manage big business and discuss negotiations at the highest level. They are the novelists who evoke the complexities of the internal life of their protagonists, the city authorities who ensure long-term sources of food, and the researchers who encounter potential problems that many of us have never yet considered. The smartest decision-makers don’t rely on instinct solely. Their success is built on a forward-looking attitude and the desire to look at all their choices in a innovative, constructive manner. Through engaging narratives that share unexpected insights, Johnson describes how we can make decisions that will more effectively shape the course of a life, an organisation, or a society. Farsighted will allow you to envision the life and understand the implicit wisdom of the decisions that influenced our larger cultural past.

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