Book cover of Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker
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Is progress really at fault in our world, are we doomed ? Social psychologist and public intellectual Steven Pinker encourages us to step away from the gory headlines and prophecies of destruction that reflect our emotional prejudice. Pinker reveals in seventy-five jaw-dropping charts that life, education, wealth, security, harmony, awareness, and satisfaction are growing, all around the world. This advancement was not the result of any divine energy. This is a legacy of the Enlightenment:…
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Is progress really at fault in our world, are we doomed ? Social psychologist and public intellectual Steven Pinker encourages us to step away from the gory headlines and prophecies of destruction that reflect our emotional prejudice. Pinker reveals in seventy-five jaw-dropping charts that life, education, wealth, security, harmony, awareness, and satisfaction are growing, all around the world. This advancement was not the result of any divine energy. This is a legacy of the Enlightenment: the idea that science and knowledge in general had improved human wellbeing. The Enlightenment dream is struggling against the tides of authoritarianism, demonization, irrational thinking, all used by demagogues to manipulate the opinion. The consequence is a corrosive fatalism and a desire to destroy democracy and international cooperation. Enlightenment Now makes the case for logic, science, and humanism; values we need to pursue our global progress.

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Is progress really at fault in our world, are we doomed ? Social psychologist and public intellectual Steven Pinker encourages us to step away from the gory headlines and prophecies of destruction that reflect our emotional prejudice. Pinker reveals in seventy-five jaw-dropping charts that life, education, wealth, security, harmony, awareness, and satisfaction are growing, all around the world. This advancement was not the result of any divine energy. This is a legacy of the Enlightenment: the idea that science and knowledge in general had improved human wellbeing. The Enlightenment dream is struggling against the tides of authoritarianism, demonization, irrational thinking, all used by demagogues to manipulate the opinion. The consequence is a corrosive fatalism and a desire to destroy democracy and international cooperation. Enlightenment Now makes the case for logic, science, and humanism; values we need to pursue our global progress.

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