Book cover of Dirty Genes by Ben Lynch ND.
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Genes may be born dirty and actually behave dirty in reaction to the environment, food, and lifestyle that triggers permanent, life-threatening, or chronic health issues like heart disease, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, insomnia, digestive, obesity, cancer, and diabetes complications. Based from his own experience and treating thousands of people effectively, Dr. Lynch teaches you how to recognise and maximize all forms of filthy genes by cleaning them up with tailored and personalized strategies, like healthier food,…
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Genes may be born dirty and actually behave dirty in reaction to the environment, food, and lifestyle that triggers permanent, life-threatening, or chronic health issues like heart disease, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, insomnia, digestive, obesity, cancer, and diabetes complications. Based from his own experience and treating thousands of people effectively, Dr. Lynch teaches you how to recognise and maximize all forms of filthy genes by cleaning them up with tailored and personalized strategies, like healthier food, better sleep, stress reduction, environmental detoxification, and other natural methods. Dr. Lynch shows you can improve your physical and mental health, and eventually rewrite your genetical fate with the correct strategy in place.

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Genes may be born dirty and actually behave dirty in reaction to the environment, food, and lifestyle that triggers permanent, life-threatening, or chronic health issues like heart disease, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, insomnia, digestive, obesity, cancer, and diabetes complications. Based from his own experience and treating thousands of people effectively, Dr. Lynch teaches you how to recognise and maximize all forms of filthy genes by cleaning them up with tailored and personalized strategies, like healthier food, better sleep, stress reduction, environmental detoxification, and other natural methods. Dr. Lynch shows you can improve your physical and mental health, and eventually rewrite your genetical fate with the correct strategy in place.

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