Book cover of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies by Rhena Branch, Rob Willson
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies

by Rhena Branch, Rob Willson
  • Great overall
  • Great writing
An revised version of the bestselling manual to reprogramming your destructive emotions and actions. Originally the domain of mental health practitioners, CBT (or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) has achieved broad recognition as the therapy of choice for those trying to conquer depression, control frustration, defeat an addiction, lose weight and simply achieve a fresh perspective on life. Written by two CBT counselors, this manual lets you apply the concepts of CBT to your daily life allowing you to fixing negative thoughts; refocusing and retraining your awareness; and finally, get rid of…
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An revised version of the bestselling manual to reprogramming your destructive emotions and actions. Originally the domain of mental health practitioners, CBT (or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) has achieved broad recognition as the therapy of choice for those trying to conquer depression, control frustration, defeat an addiction, lose weight and simply achieve a fresh perspective on life. Written by two CBT counselors, this manual lets you apply the concepts of CBT to your daily life allowing you to fixing negative thoughts; refocusing and retraining your awareness; and finally, get rid of depression, frustrations, and obsessions which torment you. The book is full of helpful advices and techniques that will support even a true pessimist along this journey to recovery

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An revised version of the bestselling manual to reprogramming your destructive emotions and actions. Originally the domain of mental health practitioners, CBT (or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) has achieved broad recognition as the therapy of choice for those trying to conquer depression, control frustration, defeat an addiction, lose weight and simply achieve a fresh perspective on life. Written by two CBT counselors, this manual lets you apply the concepts of CBT to your daily life allowing you to fixing negative thoughts; refocusing and retraining your awareness; and finally, get rid of depression, frustrations, and obsessions which torment you. The book is full of helpful advices and techniques that will support even a true pessimist along this journey to recovery

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  • Great overall
  • Great writing