Book cover of Bike Snob by BikeSnobNYC
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Bike Snob - Systematically & Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling

by BikeSnobNYC
  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Decent writing
Cycling is a becoming very trendy and that's good. Everywhere, city dwellers, from hipsters to earth-conscious riders, take the bicycle to a high new level. Bike Snob presents readers the world of bicycles and their drivers, giving a fascinating look at the ins and outs of cycling, from its past and features to a wide variety of strange experts. While remaning passionate for biking itself, the writer parodies the errors, pretensions, and absurdities of modern…
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Cycling is a becoming very trendy and that’s good. Everywhere, city dwellers, from hipsters to earth-conscious riders, take the bicycle to a high new level. Bike Snob presents readers the world of bicycles and their drivers, giving a fascinating look at the ins and outs of cycling, from its past and features to a wide variety of strange experts. While remaning passionate for biking itself, the writer parodies the errors, pretensions, and absurdities of modern bicycle culture. To someone who is or wishes to become a cyclist, Bike Snob is a must-read.

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Cycling is a becoming very trendy and that’s good. Everywhere, city dwellers, from hipsters to earth-conscious riders, take the bicycle to a high new level. Bike Snob presents readers the world of bicycles and their drivers, giving a fascinating look at the ins and outs of cycling, from its past and features to a wide variety of strange experts. While remaning passionate for biking itself, the writer parodies the errors, pretensions, and absurdities of modern bicycle culture. To someone who is or wishes to become a cyclist, Bike Snob is a must-read.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Decent writing