Book cover of Being There by Dave Furman
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Being There - How to Love Those Who Are Hurting

by Dave Furman
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Everyone has friends or family member who suffered from depression, or losing a relative. Too often, one can't find the right words and struggle as well. Without any help from others, they usually suffer in silence. Speaking from the uncommon viewpoint of someone who seeks professional assistance on a regular basis, Dave Furman offers insight into the resources, motivation, and knowledge people need to help others. Furman draws on his own personal experiences, biblical stories, and wisdom to discuss the hearts and missions of those called to serve others.
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Everyone has friends or family member who suffered from depression, or losing a relative.
Too often, one can’t find the right words and struggle as well. Without any help from others, they usually suffer in silence. Speaking from the uncommon viewpoint of someone who seeks professional assistance on a regular basis, Dave Furman offers insight into the resources, motivation, and knowledge people need to help others. Furman draws on his own personal experiences, biblical stories, and wisdom to discuss the hearts and missions of those called to serve others.

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Everyone has friends or family member who suffered from depression, or losing a relative.
Too often, one can’t find the right words and struggle as well. Without any help from others, they usually suffer in silence. Speaking from the uncommon viewpoint of someone who seeks professional assistance on a regular basis, Dave Furman offers insight into the resources, motivation, and knowledge people need to help others. Furman draws on his own personal experiences, biblical stories, and wisdom to discuss the hearts and missions of those called to serve others.

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  • Decent overall
  • Decent content
  • Great writing