Book cover of Back from the Brink by Graeme Cowan
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Writer Graeme Cowan took pen to paper on July 24, 2004 and said farewell to his family. Cowan started out on a challenging path away from the edge after four unsuccessful suicide attempts and a five-year episode of depression that his doctor characterized as the worst he ever saw. He has since devoted his career to supporting people with depression and bipolar disorder, and that's where this book came about. It is important to note…
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Writer Graeme Cowan took pen to paper on July 24, 2004 and said farewell to his family. Cowan started out on a challenging path away from the edge after four unsuccessful suicide attempts and a five-year episode of depression that his doctor characterized as the worst he ever saw. He has since devoted his career to supporting people with depression and bipolar disorder, and that’s where this book came about. It is important to note that you are not alone when you have extreme depression or bipolar disorder. Back from the Brink is packed with true tales of recovery and rehabilitation, information about treatments, and strategies to bring into action what you have learned. The inspiring stories in this book will teach you and inspire you to make positive improvements when you are able to place one foot in front of the other and eventually start off on the road of recovery. You may find it hard to take the first step towards healing when you have serious depression or bipolar disorder. Within our culture, because of the stigma of mental illness, most individuals with depression or bipolar disorder do not seek assistance or medical care. Isn’t it time we changed our mindset about these diseases?

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Writer Graeme Cowan took pen to paper on July 24, 2004 and said farewell to his family. Cowan started out on a challenging path away from the edge after four unsuccessful suicide attempts and a five-year episode of depression that his doctor characterized as the worst he ever saw. He has since devoted his career to supporting people with depression and bipolar disorder, and that’s where this book came about. It is important to note that you are not alone when you have extreme depression or bipolar disorder. Back from the Brink is packed with true tales of recovery and rehabilitation, information about treatments, and strategies to bring into action what you have learned. The inspiring stories in this book will teach you and inspire you to make positive improvements when you are able to place one foot in front of the other and eventually start off on the road of recovery. You may find it hard to take the first step towards healing when you have serious depression or bipolar disorder. Within our culture, because of the stigma of mental illness, most individuals with depression or bipolar disorder do not seek assistance or medical care. Isn’t it time we changed our mindset about these diseases?

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