Book cover of Anger Management For Dummies by Charles H. Elliott, Laura L. Smith, W. Doyle Gentry
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Anger Management For Dummies

by Charles H. Elliott, Laura L. Smith, W. Doyle Gentry
  • Decent writing
When your rage is out of control and threatens your life and future, you need the support you can find in Anger Management For Dummies, which is straightforward and compassionate. This descriptive and realistic guidebook offers concrete techniques, strategies and activities for anger management that can help you recognise the causes of your frustration and free yourself from their hold.
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When your rage is out of control and threatens your life and future, you need the support you can find in Anger Management For Dummies, which is straightforward and compassionate. This descriptive and realistic guidebook offers concrete techniques, strategies and activities for anger management that can help you recognise the causes of your frustration and free yourself from their hold.

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When your rage is out of control and threatens your life and future, you need the support you can find in Anger Management For Dummies, which is straightforward and compassionate. This descriptive and realistic guidebook offers concrete techniques, strategies and activities for anger management that can help you recognise the causes of your frustration and free yourself from their hold.

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  • Decent writing