Book cover of Amazing Things Will Happen by C. C. Chapman
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Practice hard, be kind, and amazing things are going to happen. Amazing Things will Happen offers simple advice that can be put into practice to better your life. By personal anecdotes from the life of writers and interviews with accomplished people in various fields, this book shows how to attain success by hard work and acts of kindness in all areas of life. each of us have unique aspirations in life, but everyone needs to…
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Practice hard, be kind, and amazing things are going to happen. Amazing Things will Happen offers simple advice that can be put into practice to better your life. By personal anecdotes from the life of writers and interviews with accomplished people in various fields, this book shows how to attain success by hard work and acts of kindness in all areas of life. each of us have unique aspirations in life, but everyone needs to be productive and have as much fun along the way as possible. Amazing Things will Happen reveals how to stay on the path of success.

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Practice hard, be kind, and amazing things are going to happen. Amazing Things will Happen offers simple advice that can be put into practice to better your life. By personal anecdotes from the life of writers and interviews with accomplished people in various fields, this book shows how to attain success by hard work and acts of kindness in all areas of life. each of us have unique aspirations in life, but everyone needs to be productive and have as much fun along the way as possible. Amazing Things will Happen reveals how to stay on the path of success.

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  • Great overall
  • Outstanding writing