Book cover of 1 by Ray Long
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This book presents a well-rounded approach to understanding hatha yoga. Ray Long explains the practice and positive effects of hatha yoga using three-dimensional anatomical diagrams. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology show the agonist, antagonist, and synergistic muscles that come into action in each pose.
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This book presents a well-rounded approach to understanding hatha yoga. Ray Long explains the practice and positive effects of hatha yoga using three-dimensional anatomical diagrams. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology show the agonist, antagonist, and synergistic muscles that come into action in each pose.

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This book presents a well-rounded approach to understanding hatha yoga. Ray Long explains the practice and positive effects of hatha yoga using three-dimensional anatomical diagrams. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology show the agonist, antagonist, and synergistic muscles that come into action in each pose.

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  • Outstanding writing